
Chapter | Beyond the Screen. Hatsune Miku in the Context of Post-Digital Culture

Mit Annemarie Hahn

The virtual character Hatsune Miku is a pop star with millions of fans, performing songs that are mostly written by a multitude of people in different parts of the world. In her appearance as a holographic figure, postdigital practices like crowdsourcing, co-creating, post-producing and community building culminate on an almost invisible screen and thus come to the surface. Digital media – and screens specifically – have intensively been discussed in terms of technological aspects, but associated techno-political issues have long been secondary. The screen, however, as current design scenarios suggest, will successively disappear and merge with our surroundings. If the screen is no longer discernible from its environment, we need to find ways to describe media and mediality as complex structures. In our contribution, we suggest possibilities of seeing beyond the screen. Instead of focusing on the screen itself but rather on practices related to digital culture, we investigate underlying infrastructures, social and anthropological questions. By the example of Hatsune Miku, we analyze selected phenomena of post-digital culture and how they are displayed. This analysis gives us some indication of how to identify relevant educational processes in the framework of postdigital culture.

Article in: Education in the Age of the Screen. Possibilities and Transformations in Technology. Edited by Nancy Vansieleghem, Joris Vlieghe, Manuel Zahn.

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